Growing Together. Welcoming All.

Our church family actively seeks to welcome all and to acknowledge and embrace the rich diversity of God’s human creation. Trinity welcomes all sexual orientations and gender identities including lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transpeople to our faith community. We affirm that all God’s people should be included in our church life and ministry.

Trinity welcomes you wherever you are in your faith journey. If you’ve been hurt or marginalized by the church, if you doubt; or if you’ve been a lifelong church member and are full of faith – whoever you are, you are welcome here in Trinity’s family of faith.

We believe that it is impossible to live out Christ’s purpose as individuals and as the church without being fully open and inclusive, following the example Christ set for us.

We hope to emulate Christ by celebrating you just as God created you so that we might be made richer through the gifts only you have to offer. In return, we hope to live out our responsibility as the body of Christ to nurture you in a safe and embracing environment, so you might grow spiritually and experience the authentic love of God through a community of affirming followers of Christ.

We invite you to connect with our Senior Minister, Steve Lindsley, or call 704-366-3554 if you have any questions about Trinity.

Our Mission

Trinity members believe in relational mission through service in three core areas: education, homelessness and hunger. It’s our way to become positive agents of change in our community.


Trinity partners with Nations Ford Elementary School and Read Charlotte to support scholars in closing the achievement gap. Our volunteers provide mentoring, classroom help, Book Fair support and more!


Trinity supports Urban Ministry Center through the Room in the Inn program, serving lunch, and making sandwiches. Trinity volunteers also help celebrate McCreesh Place residents as they transition into stable housing.


Trinity Presbyterian has one of the top producing Friendship Gardens in Charlotte. The fresh produce we donate supports Friendship Trays, which provides meals throughout the Charlotte area. 


11 a.m. (online)

Sunday School

September thru May, 9:45-10:45 a.m.

Children on Sunday

We love having children in Worship! Grab a “Trinity Tote” at one of the Sanctuary entrances to use during the service, and feel free to come forward during  “Morning Watch” for a special time with one of our pastors. 


Park in the lot directly off Providence Road and enter the Sanctuary for worship. For Sunday School, use our Welcome Center entrance in the horseshoe. Additional parking is in the back. Signs and friendly faces will direct you.

After-service Coffee

Join us in the Narthex on your way out for coffee, cookies, and fellowship following Worship.