Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Gifts

The Spiritual Gifts phase of the On The Way journey involves three steps: taking the spiritual gifts survey, entering your results in the member profile (for Trinity members only), and engaging in both self-reflection and group process.


The Spiritual Gifts survey consists of 60 statements.  Some reflect concrete actions, others are descriptive traits.  You’ll assign a value of 1 – 5 for each.  This is a not a test – so there are no wrong answers.  

You have two options to take the survey: there is a hard copy version and an Excel file.  Please know the hard copy version requires you to add up the results yourself.  The Excel file does the math for you.

Hard copy – print out (click HERE)
Excel file – save to your computer hard drive (click HERE)


Once you’ve completed the survey, enter your results in your church member profile. All you need to do is click HERE to access a Google Form.  The responses will be emailed to Cheryl Jernigan in the church office, and she will enter them into your database.  


Consider these two questions:

  1. What did I learn from this spiritual gifts survey that more or less confirmed what I already knew about myself?
  2. What did I learn about myself that most surprised me?

Below are some suggested areas of ministry in our church that may align with your spiritual gifts:

LEADERSHIP – Serving on session, chairing a ministry team, heading up a task force
ADMINISTRATIVE – Serving on a ministry team, serving on ONC, clerk of session
TEACHING – Sunday school teacher/Bible study leader, Youth group advisor, Worship liturgist
CARE – Congregational Life, Prayer team, homebound communion, nursery volunteer
SHEPHERDING – Confirmation mentor, Youth group advisor, Sunday school teacher
SERVICE – Missions & Outreach, Room In The Inn volunteer, NationsFord elementary, international missions
STEWARDSHIP – Stewardship, Finance, Minute for Stewardship
HOSPITALITY – Welcoming, Congregational Life, worship usher, welcome desk volunteer
FINANCE – Finance, Legacy giving, Treasurer, Teller
BUILDINGS & GROUNDS – Buildings & Grounds, seasonal clean-up days
MUSIC AND WORSHIP – choir member, instrumentalist for worship, liturgist
COMMUNICATIONS – Communications, photographer, article writer for Postscripts


Make plans to attend the large group-process gathering on July 25th at 7pm at Lynda Opdyke’s home (snacks and beverages provided – thanks, Lynda!)  Here we’ll fellowship and discuss together what we learned from the survey.